157 Highway 1, Carmel Highlands

CA, 93923

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Property Details

Basic Information
MLS Number: 72979651
Square Feet: 1,665 | Stories: 2 | Year Built: 1890 | Rooms: 6
157 Highway 1, Carmel Highlands, CA, 93923

Interior Features

A home doesn't stop at bedrooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen. Decide whether you would want to make plans for a loft, a den, a home office area, a home theater, a media room, a family room, a gym or workout room, a library, a butler's pantry, a sun room, a basement, guest quarters, or wine storage.

Utilities and Appliances

  1. Water and sewer
  2. Trash and recycling
  3. Trash and recycling
  4. Internet, telephone, and cable

Other Details

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